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8.20.11 SATURDAY "THE TRIFECTA" With teams of 3 complete: 2min AMRAP of: Tire Flip Jump Throughs 3min AMRAP of: Rope Climbs 4min AMRAP of: Burpees...
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8.19.11 FRIDAY "GOLDEN MONKEY" 6 Rounds of: 3 Wall Climbs 6 G.I. Janes 9 Toes to Bar For Time   Post time to comments Auxiliary:...
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8.18.11 THURSDAY MAX TESTING 15min to Establish 1RM of Deadlift 15min to establish 1RM of Bench Press 15min to establish 1RM of Back Squat 15min...
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8.17.11 WEDNESDAY "DT's RUN" 6 Rounds of: 12 Deadlifts…155/105 pounds 9 Power Cleans…155/105 pounds 6 Push Press…155/105 pounds 200m Run 1min Rest For Time ; ...
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8.16.11 TUESDAY "PRESSURE COOKER" 10-1 of: Chest to Bar Pull Ups Box Jumps…24/20" box For Time planking? Post time to comments Strength: 3×3 Clean n...
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8.15.11 MONDAY "40 DAYS AND 40 NIGHTS" cash in: 40 Cal Row then: 2 Rounds of: 40 Thrusters…75/45 pounds 40 Hand Release Push Ups 40...
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8.13.11 SATURDAY "NATE" 20min AMRAP of: 2 Muscle Ups 4 HSPU's 8 KB Swings… 70/35 pounds For Rounds and Reps   Jeff Post rounds reps...
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8.12.11 FRIDAY "CHECK ENGINE LIGHT" 10…9…8 of: Clean n Jerk…135/95 pounds Burpees onto plate then: 400m Run 7…6…5 of: Clean n Jerk…135/95 pounds Burpees onto...
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