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11.10.13 SUNDAY "COMBINE 1, DAY 2" (day 1 results) -TOP 14 MEN AND WOMEN MOVE ON TO TODAY'S WODS (for men Jon Aloisio can't make...
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11.9.13 SATURDAY 2014 COMBINE 1 -This is the heat schedule for Saturday's workouts. -Arrive for registration at Explode at 8:30am (athlete cards handed out) -Briefing...
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11.8.13 FRIDAY "JANE'S BOATHOUSE" 10 Rounds of: 5 G.I. Janes 300m Row For Time Post time to comments –THIS WEEKEND CLASSES WILL BE CANCELLED DUE...
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11.7.13 THURSDAY warm up– 3x500m Row (rest as needed between efforts) Strength: 3×5 Shoulder Press Olympic: 3×5 Power Snatch Unbroken @ 75% Skills Practice: 5×1...
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11.7.13 THURSDAY "CORE TAX" 8min AMRAP of: 3 Burpees Over Bar 6 Hang Clean n Jerks…115/75 pounds 12 Wall Ball Sit Ups…20/14 pounds For Time...
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11.6.13 WEDNESDAY warm up– 100 cals Airdyne Strength: 3×5 Deadlift Metcon: 3 Rounds of: 12 Deadlifts…315/225 60 Double Unders For Time Running: 5x400m Sprint (3min...
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11.5.13 TUESDAY warm up– 10DL, 10HC, 10HSC, 10PJ…45/15 Strength: 3x20m Hand over Hand Rope Sled Pull Olympic: 3×5 Hang Squat Clean (singles @ 70%) Gymnasty:...
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11.5.13 TUESDAY "2 FOR 1" 1000m Row 2min Rest then: 21…15…9 of: Shoot Throughs SDLHP's…115/75 pounds For Time Post time and load to comments

11.4.13 MONDAY warm up– 800m Jog Strength: 3×5 OHS 3×5 Bench Press Olympic: 10min EMOM of: 2 Clean n Jerk (touch n go @ 80%)...
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11.4.13 MONDAY "FORECAST" 2min AMRAP of: 20 Wall Balls…20/14 pounds…8/8 feet 14 Knees to Chest 1min Rest 2min AMRAP of: 20 Wall Balls…20/14 pounds…9/8 feet...
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