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11.12.10 FRIDAY "BODY WEIGHT" 10 Rounds of: 10 Pull Ups 10 Push Ups 10 Sit Ups 10 Air Squats For Time   Post time to...
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11.10.10 WEDNESDAY "WODs 3&4 OTG CHALLENGE" WOD 3 AMRAP 10min of: 4min Box Jumps… 24/20" box 3min KB Swings… 53/35 pounds 2min Toes to Bar...
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11.9.10 TUESDAY "WODs 1&2 OTG CHALLENGE" WOD 1 3min AMRAP of: Deadlift… either 95, 135, 225 or 275 pounds For total weight lifted (multiply weight...
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11.8.10 MONDAY "BULL" 21 Squat Cleans… 115/65 pounds 21 Chest to Bar Pull Ups 400m Run 15 Squat Cleans… 115/65 pounds 15 Chest to Bar Pull Ups 400m Run...
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11.6.10 SATURDAY "POWER BURP" 10-1 of: Power Cleans…155/95 pounds Burpees For Time   Post time and load to comments   Auxiliary: Run 5K

11.5.10 FRIDAY "TABATA YO MAMA" Tabata Shuttle… 15 feet 1min Rest Tabata Toes To Bar 1min Rest Tabata Snatch… 75/35 pounds 1min Rest Tabata OHS…...
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11.3.10 WEDNESDAY "THE NOOK AT BUSKEY'S" TEAM WORKOUT With a team of 3 (because thats how many to a bed @ Buskey's) complete: 50 Man-Makers…...
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