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8.25.12 SATURDAY "BUDDY SYSTEM" With a Partner: 2000m Row while one partner holds a Handstand 100m Prowler Push…270/180 pounds (one partner works at a time)...
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8.24.12 FRIDAY "MUSKETEER" 2 Rounds of: 12 Ring Muscle Ups (sub: 24 Ring Rows, 24 Ring Dips) 24 High Wall Balls…20/14 pounds….12/10 feet 36 KB...
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8.23.12 THURSDAY "GROUND HOG" 10-1 of: Ground to Overhead…95/55 pounds Wall Ball Sit Ups…20/14 pounds For Time Russ and Dalton Post time and load to...
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8.22.12 WEDNESDAY "BIG UPS" 21…15…9 of: Chest to Bar Pull Ups Box Jumps…28/24" box For Time (repeat WOD from 7.11.12) Sarah  Post time and load...
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8.21.12 TUESDAY "HEY DAY" cash in- 1000m Row 5 Rounds of: 10 HSPU's…25/floor 30 Air Squats For Time Brynn  Post time and load to comments...
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8.20.12 MONDAY "MUSH" 100m Sled Pull…135/90 pounds 50 KB Swings…70/53 pounds 20 G.I. Janes For Time Luke Post time and load to comments Strength: Deadlift...
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8.18.12 SATURDAY "CRAZY EIGHTS" cash in: 800m Run 8 Rounds of: 8 Thrusters…135/95 pounds 8 Chest to Bar Pull Ups cash out: 800m Run For...
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8.17.12 FRIDAY "RESURECTION" 40 Box Jumps…24/20" box 30 HR Push Ups 20 Back Squat…135/95 pounds 30 HR Push Ups 40 Box Jumps…24/20" box For Time...
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8.16.12 THURSDAY "POWER DIVE" 7 Power Cleans…205/135 pounds 21 Burpees 7 Power Cleans…205/135 pounds 14 Burpees 7 Power Cleans…205/135 pounds 7 Burpees For Time Tyler...
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