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3.12.14 WEDNESDAY warm up– 10min every 30sec Agility Ladder Strength: 3×3 Banded Front Squat 3×8 Med Ball T2B Metcon: Explode WOD Auxiliary: 2k Row for...
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3.11.14 TUESDAY warm up– 800m Jog Olympic: 20min EMOM of: EVENmin- 3 Hang Power Cleans…225/155 ODDmin- 3 Paralette HSPU's Metcon: Explode WOD Auxiliary: 4x200m Sprints

3.10.14 MONDAY warm up– 3x400m Row Strength: 3x50m Reverse Sled Pull 3×3 Shoulder Press Metcon: Explode WOD use 30/20 for WB's Auxiliary: 15…10…5 of: Ring...
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3.10.14 MONDAY "TOAD TESTIES" 7min AMRAP of: Up Ladder 3 Wall Balls…20/14 pounds…10/8 feet 3 Toes to Bar 6 Wall Balls…20/14 pounds…10/8 feet 6 Toes...
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3.9.14 SUNDAY ENDURANCE– "BURDEN RUN" 2x800m Run 3min Rest between and after 4x400m Run 2min Rest between and after 6x200m Run 1min Rest before and...
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3.8.14 SATURDAY "OPEN 14.2" In 3min complete: 2 Rounds of: 10 OHS…95/65 pounds 10 Chest to Bar Pull Ups if completed… The next 3min complete:...
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3.7.14 FRIDAY "EQUALIBRIUM" 12min AMRAP of: Up Ladder: 3 Wall Ball Sit Ups…20/14 pounds 3 Hang Snatches…95/55 pounds 6 Wall Ball Sit Ups…20/14 pounds 6...
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3.6.14 THURSDAY warm up– 800m Jog Olympic: Every 30sec for 10min: Power Snatch…90% Strength: 3x50m Sled Push Metcon: Explode WOD Auxiliary: 3x100m Sprints

3.5.14 WEDNESDAY warm up– 200 Double Unders Strength: 3×3 Back Squat Olympic: 10min Every 30sec of: 1 Jerk… 80% Metcon: Explode WOD Auxiliary: 40…30…20…10 of:...
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3.5.14 WEDNESDAY "BANANA BOAT" 40…30…20…10 of: Calorie Row Push Press…115/65 pounds For Time (15min Time Cap)   Post time and load to comments SHOULDER MOBILITY...
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