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1.10.11 MONDAY "BLUE RIMS" 20min AMRAP of: 5 HSPU's 6 Deadlifts… 225/155 pounds 7 Burpees 8 KB Swings For Reps and Rounds  Post rounds and...
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1.8.11 SATURDAY "TABATA CHUCKA" 1 tabata= 8 rounds of 20sec work 10sec rest Tabata Hang Clean…135/95 pounds Tabata Burpees over Bar followed immediately by 8min...
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1.7.11 FRIDAY "THE FARMER'S DAUGHTER" 2 Rounds of: 150 feet Walking Lunges… 45/25 pound plate overhead 75 foot Farmer's Walk… 80/40 pounds (each hand) 20 DB...
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1.6.11 THURSDAY REST DAY **ANNOUNCING** TEAM EXPLODE TRYOUTS Monday January 17th- Saturday January 22nd CrossFit Explode will be holding week-long tryouts for Team Explode.  All...
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1.5.11 WEDNESDAY "BURP N RUN" 1200m Run 21 KB Swings…70/35 pounds 21 Burpees 800m Run 15 KB Swings…70/35 pounds 15 Burpees 400m Run 9 KB...
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1.4.11 TUESDAY "THOR'S HAMMER" (REVISED) 20 Clean n Jerks… 155/95 pounds then the remainder of 10min complete AMRAP of: 5 HSPU's 10 Chest to Bar...
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1.3.10 MONDAY "TRIPLE THREAT" All 3 AMRAP's combined for total reps.  You have 45mins to complete all 3 AMRAP's. REST and Order of WOD's are up...
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1.1.11 SATURDAY "BULL" 2 Rounds of: 200 Double Unders 50 OHS… 135/95 pounds 50 Pull Ups 1 Mile Run For Time  U.S. Marine Corps Captain...
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