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1.7.10 FRIDAY Strength:  Weighted Pull Ups  8…7…6…5…4…3 Auxiliary:  5K Run Skill:  Double Unders Metcon: "GONE IN 30 SECONDS" 3 Rounds of: 30sec Push Ups Rest (30sec)...
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1.6.10 WEDNESDAY Strength:  Deadlift  3…3…3…3…3 Skill:  Single arm CnJ Auxiliary:  30…20…10  GH Sit Ups/ GH Back Extension Metcon: "GET TO THE CHOPPA!!" 15 Left Arm CnJ… 95...
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1.5.10 TUESDAY Strength:  Hang Cleans 6…5…4…3…2…1 Skill:  Thrusters Auxiliary:  2K Row Metcon: "SUFFOCATION" 100 Thrusters 80/45 pounds At the top of every minute perform 3...
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1.4.10 MONDAY Strength:  Front Squats  5…5…5…5…5…5…5 Auxiliary:  3K Run Metcon: "BARBARA" 5 Rounds of: 20 Pull Ups 30 Push Ups 40 Sit Ups 50 Air...
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1.2.10 SATURDAY Strength:  Clean n Press 3…3…3…3…3…3 Skill:  HSPU's (handstand push ups) Metcon: 10/1…9/2…8/3…7/4…6/5…5/6…4/7…3/8…2/9…1/10 of: 2 pood… KB Swings/ HSPU's For Time Auxiliary:  100 GH...
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1.1.10 FRIDAY HAPPY NEW YEAR 2010 REST DAY Take a rest… tomorrow we move mountains!  

12.31.09 THURSDAY Strength:  DB Bench Press 8…8…8…8…8 Skill:  OHS (overhead squats) Metcon (Metabolic Concentration): "HAPPY NEW YEAR 2010" 5 Rounds for time of: 20 Pull Ups/...
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12.30.09 WEDNESDAY Strength:  Weighted Dips 5…5…5…5…5 then SDLHP 5…5…5…5…5 Skill:  Ring Dips then "Cuddle Kitty" 21…15…9 of: Pull Ups/ "Kitten-puppy-babybunnies" 95 pounds   Post time and...
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