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2.17.10 WEDNESDAY DEADLIFT 4…4…4…4…4…4  Post loads to comments Auxiliary:  5K Run  

2.16.10 TUESDAY "Filthy 50" 50 Box Jumps 20" box 50 Jumping Pull Ups 50 KB swings…35/15 pound KB 50 Lunges 50 KTE's (Knees to Elbows)...
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2.15.10 MONDAY "ANGIE" 100 Pull Ups 100 Push Ups 100 Sit Ups 100 Squats For Time Post time to comments Auxiliary: 2mile Run for time 

2.14.10 SUNDAY REST DAY *Post to comments or stop in at the gym and leave your name and email on the whiteboard if you are...
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2.13.10 SATURDAY "2.12.10 Khalapia WOD" 3 Rounds For Time of: 10 Power Cleans… 185/95 pounds 10 Burpees Jason Khalapia 2008 CrossFit Games winner Post time...
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2.12.10 FRIDAY "DIANE" 21…15…9 Deadlift… 225/155 pounds/ HSPU's Post time and load to comments Strength:  Back Squat and Weighted Pull Ups 4…4…4…4…4…4 Skill: HSPU's (Handstand...
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2.10.10 WEDNESDAY "TOUGH MUDDER" 2 Rounds of: 1mile Run 25 Burpees 30 Single Arm CnP…95/55 pounds (barbell, 15 each arm) 35 KB Swings…53/35 pounds 40 OHS…95/55...
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2.9.10 TUESDAY "GORDA FRAN" 21…15…9 Pull Ups… Chest to Bar Thrusters… 135/75 pounds For Time   Not the best form on pull ups, but still...
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2.8.10 MONDAY "GREAT WHITE" 10min AMRAP of: 6 Ring Dips 4 Burpees 2 Squat Cleans… 135/75 pounds  Post load and rounds completed to comments Strength:  Back Squat 3…3…3…3…3…3 Skill: Ring...
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