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10.13.10 WEDNEDAY "5…4…3…2…1" 5min AMRAP of: Row For Calories 4min AMRAP of: Box Jumps…24/20" box 3min AMRAP of: Hanging Squat Snatch… 75/45 pounds 2min AMRAP...
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10.12.10 TUESDAY "GRACE'S RINGS" 30 Toes to Rings 30 Clean and Press… 135/95 pounds 30 Burpees For Time  Post time and load to comments   Strength: ...
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10.11.10 MONDAY "RUNNING NATE" AMRAP 20min 2 Muscle Ups 4 HSPU's 8 KB Swings… 70/53 pounds 200m Run For Rounds and Reps  Post total reps...
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10.9.10 SATURDAY "SUMO-SPRINT" 5 Rounds of: AMRAP 1min 30sec of: 100m Sprint SDLHP…95/55 pounds 2min Rest For Reps (3,2,1… Go! 100m Sprint then the remainder of 1:30...
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10.8.10 FRIDAY "WEAK END" 21…15…9 of: Jumping DB Lunges… 45/20 pounds Push Ups w Hand Release For Time   Post time and load to comments...
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10.6.10 WEDNESDAY "2010 CROSSFIT/ USAW OPEN" 30min to establish 1RM Snatch and 1RM Clean and Jerk in Kilograms (divide pounds by 2.2) Then: 10min AMRAP...
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10.5.10 TUESDAY "JACK" 20min AMRAP of: 10 Push Press…115/65 pounds 10 KB Swings…53/35 pounds 10 Box Jumps… 24/20" box For Rounds and Reps team Explode...
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10.4.10 MONDAY "WOD 1 215's THROWDOWN" 50 Calorie Row 30 Ring Push Ups 30 GHD Sit Ups 30 OHS… 105/65 pounds 25 Chest to Bar Pull...
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