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3.19.10 FRIDAY "FLORIDA SECTIONAL WOD 2" 3 Minutes Max Box Jump…24/20" box 1 Minute Rest   3 Minutes Pull-ups 1 Minute Rest 3 Minutes Thrusters…...
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3.17.10 WEDNESDAY "RUN AROUND THE ROSIES" 10…9…8 of: Burpee Box Jumps…24/20" box/ SDLHP… 115/75 pounds 800m Run 7…6…5 of: Burpee Box Jumps… 24/20" box/ SDLHP…...
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3.16.10 TUESDAY "DEADLIFT BONANZA" 5 Rounds for time: 5 Deadlifts… 275/135 pounds 10 Burpees (repeat WOD from 1-11-10) Post time and load to comments  ...
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3.15.10 MONDAY "VICTORY LAP" 21…15…9 of: Pull Ups… C2B (Chest to bar) Box Jumps… 20/18" box KB Swings… 70/35 pounds DB/KB Push Press… 35/15 pounds...
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3.13.10 SATURDAY "PA, MD AND DE CROSSFIT GAMES SECTIONALS WOD 1" 3 Min AMRAP of: Clean and Jerk… 155/85 pounds (You may use CnJ or...
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3.12.10 FRIDAY "PA, MD AND DE CROSSFIT GAMES SECTIONAL WOD 3" 20 Min AMRAP with 35/15# weighted vest of: 1000m Row (Done only once at...
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3.10.10 WEDNESDAY "OHIO SECTIONAL WOD 4" 15…12…9 of: Clean n Jerk… 155/105 pounds C2B Pull Ups Box Jump… 24/20" Box 250m Row  Top 4 Men...
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