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21…15…9 of:

Pull Ups… C2B (Chest to bar)

Box Jumps… 20/18" box

KB Swings… 70/35 pounds

DB/KB Push Press… 35/15 pounds

For Time

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3.15.10 Victory Lap 

Auxiliary: 5K Run

*Good times at the sectionals this past Saturday.  I hope somehow I can express how much it meant to have everyone from CF Explode supporting myself, Bruce and Matt on Saturday. It is you who drive us to move faster, work harder and leave it all on the table. Keep up the hard work and keep pushing each other to get better. Someday, somehow it will all pay off! Next stop, Regionals in Ohio, May 8th and 9th!

Check out results:  or

Thanks Keith, Tanya, Josh and Mike of CrossFit Apex for running a hell of a show and coming up with some pretty sick WODs

Thanks Amy of CrossFit KOP for hosting the Event!

Thanks to all competitors, affiliates and spectators for rooting on the ugly guy in 1st place!