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10.23.10 SATURDAY "SEE CINDY RUN" 4 Rounds of: AMRAP 7min of: 400m Run then: 5 Pull Ups 10 Push Ups 15 Air Squats 1min Rest...
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10.22.10 FRIDAY "NATURAL BORN KILLER" 12min AMRAP of: 5 Thrusters…135/95 pounds 7 Knees to Elbows For Rounds and Reps   Post rounds and reps to...
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10.20.10 WEDNESDAY "RAGING SKIPPER" 21 Power Snatches… 115/75 pounds 63 Double Unders 15 Power Snatches… 115/75 pounds 45 Double Unders 9 Power Snatches… 115/75 pounds...
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10.19.10 TUESDAY "SMASHIN PUMPKINS" 15-1 of: Ring Dips SDLHP… 95/55 pounds For Time   Post time and load to comments   Strength:  Back Squat 3…3…3 

10.18.10 MONDAY "MELTDOWN" 7 Rounds of: 7 Power Cleans… 135/75 pounds 7 HSPU's (men: hands on 2 stacked 45# plates and head to abmat, women: hands...
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10.16.10 SATURDAY "LUMBERJACK 20" 20 Reps Deadlift… 275/185 pounds 400m Run 20 Reps KB Swing… 70/53 pounds 400m Run 20 Reps OHS…115/65 pounds 400m Run...
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10.15.10 FRIDAY "FRAN" 21…15…9 of: Thrusters…95/65 pounds Pull Ups with the remainder of 10min establish 1RM Front Squat and 1RM Jerk. Every pound you complete...
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