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11.22.10 MONDAY "ERASER"  8 Rounds of: 8 SDLHP's… 115/75 pounds 8 G.I. Janes 8 Push Press…115/75 pounds 8 Toes to Bar 100m Run (100m= Left...
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11.20.10 SATURDAY "HELL'S BELLS" 4 Rounds of: 30 KB Swings… 53/35 pounds 20 Single Arm KB OHS… 53/35 pounds (10 wiht Right arm, 10 with Left) 10 Turkish Get Ups…53/35 pounds...
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11.19.10 FRIDAY "HAIRY EYEBALL" 12min AMRAP of: 250m Row 7 HSPU's 7 Power Snatch… 115/80 pounds For Reps  A couple of us are heading up...
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11.17.10 WEDNESDAY "EWWW" 50 Squat Jumps… 45/15 pounds 50 Ring Dips 50 Knees to Elbows 50 Double Unders 50 SDLHP's… 65/35 pounds 1 Mile Run...
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11.16.10 TUESDAY "BUSINESS AS USUAL" 4 Rounds of: 6 Muscle Ups (sub 3 ring rows and 3 ring dips) 18 Clean n Press… 95/65 pounds 400m Run...
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11.15.10 MONDAY "WOD #5 OTG CHALLENGE" 30 Wall Balls… 20/14 pound ball (men and women 10ft target) then: 5 Rounds of: 5 Squat Snatches… 95/65...
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11.13.10 SATURDAY "JACKIE" 1000m Row 50 Thrusters… 45/15 pounds 30 Pull Ups For Time (repeat from 11.14.09)   Post time and load to comments  ...
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