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11.3.12 SATURDAY "KING OF THE BEACH" 12min AMRAP of: 5 HSPU's…45/25 pounds 7 Back Squat…155/105 pounds 9 Pull Ups For Total Reps This week good...
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11.2.12 FRIDAY "CRIME RING" 8 Rounds of: 4 Ring Muscle Ups (sub: 3 ring rows, 3 ring dips) 12 KB Swings…97/70 pounds For Time Post...
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11.1.12 THURSDAY "FIRE DRILL" buy in: 100 Double Unders 3 Rounds of: 30 Wall Balls…20/14 pounds…10/8 feet 10 Forward Rolls cash out: 1000m Row For...
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10.31.12 WEDNESDAY "GHOSTS N GOBBLINS" 10min AMRAP Up Ladder 3…6…9…12 of: Toes to Bar Power Snatch…135/95 pounds For Total Reps Post load and total reps...
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12pm CLASS ONLY TODAY 10.30.12 TUESDAY "PUMKIN SMASHER" 5 Rounds of: 20 Med Ball Slams…20/14 pounds 10 Hang Squat Cleans…115/65 pounds 5 HSPU's…25/floor For Time...
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NO 5pm, 6pm or 7pm CLASSES TODAY!! 10.29.12 MONDAY "SIMPLICITY" 21…18…15…12…9 of: Burpees KB Swings…70/53 pounds For Time Laura Post time and load to comments...
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10.28.12 SUNDAY ENDURANCE- "RUSSIAN CIRCUS" 10 Rounds of 200m Run 5 Rt Arm KB Snatch…53/35 pounds 5 Lf Arm KB Snatch…53/35 pounds For Time  ...
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10.27.12 SATURDAY "PUMPKIN HEADS" With a partner complete the following: 20 Wall Walks (one partner must hold the top of the WW while the other...
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10.26.12 FRIDAY "FRAN-KENSTEIN" 21…15…9 of: High Double Wall Balls…20/14 pounds…12/10 feet Chest To Bar Pull Ups For Time Post time and load to comments Auxiliary:...
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10.25.12 THURSDAY "NOT SO RANDY" 75 Hang Squat Snatch…95/55 pounds (every min on the min 2 burpees) For Time Sloan Post time and load to...
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