warm up– 100 cals Airdyne
3×5 Deadlift
3 Rounds of:
12 Deadlifts…315/225
60 Double Unders
For Time
5x400m Sprint (3min Rest)
3×20 GHD Sit Ups
3×20 Reverse Hypers
*note– Beggining Saturday 11/16 we will be having team training every Saturday at 6:00pm. This is open to everyone who is looking to compete at a Regional level for the CrossFit Games. Due to limited equipment and time, priority has to be given in training to those who have competed in the past and will most likely be competing in the upcoming season. This is open to everyone but this isn't a class time that is available with membership, trainers will not be available to help learn skills and it is not Open Gym time. If you have any questions about Team training on Saturdays please email me [email protected].