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11.26.09 THURSDAY   "HAPPY THANKSGIVING" REST DAY **Tommorrow at 4pm there will be a special partner WOD for all those who choose not to be...
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11.25.09 WEDNESDAY 21/1…20/2…19/3…18/4…17/5…ect. down to 1/21 Back Extensions and Situps For Time smiling new faces after their first sip of the proverbial "kool aide"  Post time...
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11.24.09 TUESDAY 15…10…5 HSPU's (hand stand push ups) Squat Cleans 135 pounds For Time Thai boxing at CrossFit Explode (lil chicks kickin ass) Post time...
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11.23.09 MONDAY "EVA" 5 Rounds for Time 800m Run 30 reps 2 pood KB Swing 30 reps Pull Ups Post time and loads to comments...
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11.22.09 SUNDAY REST DAY   Note:  I could not be happier with everyone's progress and consistency this past month.  There is so much more to learn...
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11.21.09 SATURDAY "MOJEW" 95 pound Push Press K2E (knees to elbows) With a continuous running clock.  Do one rep of Push Press in the first...
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11.20.09 FRIDAY "FRAN" 21…15…9 95 pound Thrusters/ Pull Ups For Time BQ "Fran" Post time and load to comments Strength: Overhead Squat  5…5…5…5…5…5  Skill:  Muscle Ups...
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11.19.09 THURSDAY REST DAY "Filthy Fifty… Filthy Trainers"  Strength Work:  Bench Press 3…3…3…3…3…3…3…3…3 Skill Work:  Practice handstands Auxiliary Work:  Run 5K Post comments on Strength, Skill...
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11.18.09 WEDNESDAY "DIANE" 21…15…9 225 pound Deadlift/ Handstand Push Ups Post time and load to comments  Note:  Starting today we are going to start adding...
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11.17.09 TUESDAY "Filthy 50" 50 Box Jumps 20" box 50 Jumping Pull Ups 50 KB swings…35/15 pound KB 50 Lunges 50 KTE's (Knees to Elbows)...
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