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5.12.10 WEDNESDAY "ROW JOE" 10 Rounds for time of: 100m Row 5 Thrusters… 135/55  Post time and load to comments   

5.11.10 TUESDAY "BUMPY ROAD, NO SEAT" Bike 2miles 21 Clapping Push Ups over PVC (lay PVC bar paralelle next to body, spring up from push...
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5.10.10 MONDAY "EVENT #5 CENTRAL EAST REGIONALS" 3 Rounds for time of: 9 Squat snatches… 135/75 pounds 18 Chest to Bar Pull Ups then: 400m...
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5.5.10 WEDNESDAY "CENTRAL EAST REGIONAL AFFILIATE WOD 1" L1's and L2's 3 Rounds for time of: 20 KB Swings… 53/25 pounds 10 C2B Pull Ups...
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5.4.10 TUESDAY "PERRY-PLEGIC" L1's 30 Muscle-Ups (sub: 3 Pull Ups, 3 Ring Dips per Muscle-Up) 1000m Row For Time L2's 50 Paralelle Ring Pull Ups...
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5.3.10 MONDAY "BEAR COMPLEX" L1's 7 Bears …185/95 pounds 5min Rest then: "ABBEY" 25…20…15…10 of: GHD-Sit Ups GHD- Back Extension 400m Run or Row(if you...
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5.1.10 SATURDAY "SICK STASH-DASH" 400m Run 100 Thrusters… 45/15 pounds 400m Run 100 Jumping Pull Ups 400m Run 100 KB Sumo Deadlifts… 70/35 pounds 400m Run...
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4.30.10 FRIDAY "FRIDAY SMACK DOWN" L1's and L2's Every minute on the minute complete 1 OHS (Overhead Squat) and 1K2E (Knees to Elbow).  On the...
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