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4.7.10 WEDNESDAY "WHOOPASS" 3 Rounds of: 25 Kettle Bell Swings… 70/35 pounds 15 HSPU's 400m Run For Time   Post time and load to comments...
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4.6.10 TUESDAY "TABATA CFX" Tabata= (8)20sec. rounds w 10sec. rest Tabata CFX= (32)20sec. rounds w 10sec. rest of: (8) rounds Deadlift… 135pounds (8) rounds DB/KB...
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4.5.10 MONDAY "FUN WITH DB's" 10/1…9/2…8/3…7/4…6/5…5/6…4/7…3/8…2/9…1/10 of: DB Clean n Press… 45/20 pound DB's Weighted Pull Ups…45/20 pound DB's For Time Post time and load...
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4.3.10 SATURDAY "SKIPPY-PULLEY-BURP" 150 Double Unders 9 Deadlift… 315/135 pounds 18 Burpees 100 Double Unders 6 Deadlift…315/135 pounds 12 Burpees 50 Double Unders 3 Deadlifts…...
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4.1.10 FRIDAY "MEAN MOTHA" 5 Rounds for time of: 12 Squat Cleans… 135/80 pounds 10 Chest to Bar Pull Ups 8 HSPU's 400m Run Post...
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4.1.10 THURSDAY REST DAY *As always there is still class today. Show up and work on skills!

3.31.10 WEDNESDAY "PERSONAL FOUL" 21…15…9 of: Thrusters…95/55 pounds K2E's Burpees Pull Ups For Time  Post time and load to comments   Strength: Back Squat 5…3…1...
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3.30.10 TUESDAY "WHOO BEAR" 3min AMRAP of: Muscle Ups (sub: 2 ring dips, 2 c2b pull ups) Rest 5min then: 3min AMRAP of: Deadlift… 185/95...
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