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11.17.11 THURSDAY "NERVOUS TWITCH" 8 Rounds of: 8 Thrusters…95/65 pounds 8 Pull Ups 8 Box Jumps…24/20" box 1min Rest Hoodies are in!! Pick your orders...
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11.16.11 WEDNESDAY "POWER BAR" 21…15…9 of: Power Cleans…155/105 pounds Burpees over bar For Time Apparently there's a facebook best caption contest for this pic… So...
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11.15.11 TUESDAY "BURNING HORIZON" 3 Rounds of: 24 KB Swings…70/53 pounds 6 Wall Climbs 800m Run For Time Sunset out back of Explode Post time...
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11.14.11 MONDAY "FOR THE BOOBIES" 20min AMRAP of: 12 Back Squats…95/65 pounds 9 Push Press…95/65 pounds 6 Chest to Bar Pull Ups 3 Burpees  (every...
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11.12.11 SATURDAY "LONG HAUL" 3 Rounds of: 2 Rope Accents 12 Steps Walking Lunge…45/25 pounds 18 Sit Ups (butterfly) 12 Steps Walking Lunge…45/25 pounds Luke...
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11.11.11 FRIDAY "BOX ETIQUETTE" 4 Rounds of: 1min AMRAP Pull Ups 1min AMRAP Wall Balls…20/14 pounds 1min AMRAP Toes to Bar 1min AMRAP Box Jumps…24/20"...
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11.10.11 THURSDAY "PIT SNIFFER" 50…40…30…20…10 of: Single Arm OH KB Squat…35/26 pounds (half the reps with right arm, half with left) Double Unders For Time...
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11.9.11 WEDNESDAY "BALLS TO THE WALL" 30min AMRAP of: 12 Med Ball to Wall Sit Ups…20/14 pounds (feet anchored by DB's) 9 Power Snatches…115/75 pounds...
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11.8.11 TUESDAY "LOOSE CANON" cash in- 400m Run then: 21…15…9 of: HSPU's…25/floor KB Swings…70/53 pounds cash out- 400m Run For Time CrossFit OTG comp Post...
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