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1.2.12 WEDNESDAY "CORN ROW" 4 Rounds of: 4 Rounds of Cindy (5 Pull Ups, 10 Push Ups, 15 Air Squats) 250m Row For Time Registration...
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1.1.13 TUESDAY "BABY NEW YEAR" 20 Squat Clean Thrusters…185/135 pounds 13 Ring Muscle Ups (sub: 3 ring rows, 3 ring dips per) For Time Post...
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12.31.12 MONDAY "BALL DROP" 15…10…5 of: Power Snatch…115/75 pounds High Double Wall Balls…20/14 pounds…12/10 feet For Time Endurance Day Post time and load to comments...
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12.30.12 SUNDAY ENDURANCE- "SANTA'S HELPER" With a partner complete the following: 10,000m Row One partner holds the following while the other partner rows: Top of the...
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12.29.12 SATURDAY "DOUBLE BUBBLE" 50 Double Unders 10 Single Arm KB Snatch…70/53 pounds 100 Double Unders 20 Single Arm KB Snatch…70/53 pounds 150 Double Unders...
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12.28.12 FRIDAY “WHIPPERSNAPPER” 10-1 of: Power Clean…135/95 pounds Wall Ball Sit Ups… 20/14 pounds (3 Bar Muscle Ups after every set) For Time Post time...
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12.27.12 THURSDAY "BIRDSHOT" 3 Rounds of: 30 Cal Row 25 KB Swings…70/53 pounds 20 Burpees 3min Rest For Time Chase Post time and load to...
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12.26.12 WEDNESDAY "DA BOMB" 4 Rounds of: 21 Back Squats…135/95 pounds 15 Chest to Bar Pull Ups 9 HSPU's…45/25 plates For Time Post time and...
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12.24.12 MONDAY "12 DAYS OF EXPLODE XMAS" 1 Ring Muscle Up (sub: Bar MU or 3 ring rows, 3 ring dips) 2 OHS…95/65 pounds 3...
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