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7.22.13 MONDAY "SIMPLICITY" 21…18…15…12…9 of: Burpees KB Swings…70/53 pounds For Time   Post time and load to comments

7.21.13 SUNDAY ENDURANCE- "HURRY N WAIT" 5 Rounds of: 400m Run 2min Rest Then: 4 Rounds of: 500m Row 2min Rest For Time Introducing Coach...
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7.20.13 SATURDAY "SET ROW" 3 Rope Climbs 2000m Row 100 Sit Ups For Time Caroline Post time to comments

7.19.13 FRIDAY "AIR RAID" 7 Rounds of: 1min 30sec AMRAP of: 10 KB Swings 10 Wall Balls 30sec Rest For Total Reps Description- Athletes will progress...
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7.18.13 THURSDAY "DEJA VU" 4 Rounds of: 4min AMRAP of: 400m Run then: 8 Chest to Bar Pull Ups 8 OHS…135/95 pounds 3min Rest For...
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7.17.13 WEDNESDAY "RANKOR" 9 Muscle Ups (sub: 18 Ring Rows, 18 HR Push Ups) 21 Power Cleans…155/105 pounds 7 Muscle Ups (sub: 14 Ring Rows,...
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7.16.13 TUESDAY "ARRHYTHMIA" 3 Rounds of: 300m Row 1min Rest 15 HSPU's…25/floor 1min Rest 40 Air Squats 1min Rest For Time Jack  Post time and...
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7.15.13 MONDAY "KNUCKLE DRAGGER" 2 Rounds of: 30 Hang Snatch…95/55 pounds 30 Toes to Bar 100 Double Unders (EMOM of 3 Burpee Over Bar) (12min...
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7.14.13 SUNDAY ENDURANCE- "PACE CAR" 10 Rounds of: 5 Chest to Bar Pull Ups 7 HR Push Ups 400m Run 1min Rest For Time Eric...
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7.13.13 SATURDAY "1,2,3,4" 1min AMRAP of: Burpee Box Jumps…24/20" box 2min AMRAP of: Calorie Row 3min AMRAP of: 2 Power Cleans…115/75 pounds 3 Thrusters…115/75 pounds...
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