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8.9.13 FRIDAY warm up: 400m Jog, 2×20 Reverse Hypers 10×10 Deadlift 10×10 DB Row 8×10 Strict Pull Up 8×10 Land Mine Rotations *note- We are...
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8.9.13 FRIDAY "ROPES COURSE" 4 Rounds of: 2 Rope Climbs 100 Double Unders For Time Post time to comments

8.8.13 THURSDAY "POWER HUNGRY" 3 Rounds of: 400m Run 500m Row 10 Power Cleans…205/135 pounds Kim Post time and load to comments

8.8.13 THURSDAY OLYMPIC PRACTICE Warm Up: 400m Run 2×20 Reverse Hypers 3×5 Bar Muscle Ups 10 Clean and Jerk…135/95 (singles) Every 30sec for 15min: 1 Hang...
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8.7.13 WEDNESDAY "BACK ATTACK" 12min AMRAP of: 18 Pull Ups 15 HR Push Ups 12 Back Squats…135/95 pounds For Total Reps   Post load and...
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8.6.13 TUESDAY "HANGIN TOUGH" 15…10…5 of: Burpees over Bar Hang Snatch…135/95 pounds For Time   Post time and load to comments

8.5.13 MONDAY "SHORT STRAW" 27…21…15…9 of: Toes to Bar Thrusters…95/65 pounds For Time Post time and load to comments

8.4.13 SUNDAY ENDURANCE- "TEAM STEAM" With a partner complete:  2mile Run 25 Burpee, Jump Tire Flips For Time Post team, time and load to comments...
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8.3.13 SATURDAY "TRAP DOOR" 20min AMRAP of: 3 G.I. Janes 5 Pull Ups 7 HR Push Ups 9 Air Squats 11 Cal Row For Total...
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8.2.13 FRIDAY "BUCK ROGERS" cash in- 10 Ring Muscle Ups (sub: Bar Mu's or 30 Ring Rows 30 Dips) 2min Rest then: 21…15…9 of: Push...
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