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11.17.13 SUNDAY ENDURANCE– "RESET BUTTON" 2 Rounds of: 10min AMRAP of: 200m Run 5 Pull Ups 7 HR Push Ups 9 Air Squats 2min Rest...
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11.16.13 SATURDAY "BURN NOTICE" 10 Ring Muscle Ups 21 KB Swings…70/53 pounds 400m Run 15 KB Swings…70/53 pounds 400m Run 9 KB Swings…70/53 pounds 400m...
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11.15.13 FRIDAY "TWO FOR THE SHOW" with a partner complete the following: 3 Rounds of: 750m Row 12 Wall Walks 100m Reverse Sled Pull…135/90 pounds...
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11.15.13 FRIDAY warm up– 800m Jog Strength: 4×8 Walking OH Lunge Metcon: Explode WOD Auxiliary: 100m Shuttle Touch – mark off every 10m – do...
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11.14.13 THURSDAY warm up– 100cal Airdyne Strength: 4×8 Trap Bar Deadlift Olympic: 3×3 Clean Complex @ 65% of: 1 Power Clean, 1 Low Hang Clean,...
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11.13.13 WEDNESDAY warm up– 3x500m Row (3min rest) Strength: 20min EMOM of: EVEN- 2 Med Ball Ring Muscle Up…10/6 ODD- 3 Front Box Squat…225/145 Metcon:...
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11.12.13 TUESDAY warm up– 200 Double Unders Strength: 2×8 Behind the neck Shoulder Press (use good OHS positioning and light loads) Olympic: 3×3 Snatch (singles...
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11.12.13 TUESDAY "TRIPLE THREAT" 12min AMRAP of: 100 Double Unders then remainder of 12min: 9 Toes to Bar 7 Clean n Jerks…135/95 pounds 5 Burpee...
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11.11.13 MONDAY REST DAY *Note– Thank you all of you who came out this weekend and threw it down at the Combine! Can't tell you...
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11.11.13 MONDAY "AFTERMATH" 21…15…9 of: HR Push Ups Box Jumps…20/18" box KB Swings…53/35 pounds Butterfly Sit Ups (EMOM 2 Burpees) For Time Top Finishers from...
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