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4.27.14 SUNDAY ENDURANCE– "PROPPELER" 5K Row (EMOM 1 Wall Walk) For Time Post time to comments OLYMPIC– Clean n Jerk

4.26.14 SATURDAY "POTNA PARTY" With a partner complete the following: 2 Rounds of: 1mile Run (both partners) 100m Tire Flip (both partners)(50m for women) 100...
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4.25.14 FRIDAY "UP AND HOPPING" 3 Rounds of: 4min AMRAP of: 50 Double Unders 12 OHS…115/75 pounds 6 Bar Muscle Ups 4min Rest For Total...
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4.25.14 FRIDAY warm up– 800m Jog Olympic: 3×5 Snatch Complex singles @ 70% (Snatch Complex= 1 Low Hang Power, 1 High Hang Squat) Strength: 3×5...
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4.25.14 FRIDAY warm up– 800m Jog Olympic: 3×5 Snatch Complex singles @ 70% (Snatch Complex= 1 Low Hang Power, 1 High Hang Squat) Strength: 3×5...
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4.23.14 THURSDAY "REVAMPED" 10min AMRAP of: cash in- 100m Reverse Sled Pull…180/135 pounds remainder of 10min: 12 Toes to Bar 9 Burpee Box Jumps…24/20" box...
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4.22.14 WEDNESDAY "UP AND RUNNING" 3 Rounds of: 4min AMRAP of: cash in- 200m Run remainder of time: 12 Squat Cleans…115/75 pounds 6 Push Press…115/75...
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4.22.14 WEDNESDAY warm up– 800m Jog Olympic: 10×1 Clean n Jerk Auxiliary: 16min EMOM of: EVEN- 2 Strict Paralette HSPU ODD- 4 DBall Shouldering…150/80 Metcon:...
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4.21.14 TUESDAY warm up– 200 Double Unders Strength: 3×6 OH Walking Lunge Steps Metcon1: 3min AMRAP of: DB Burpee Thrusters…45/25 Metcon2: Explode WOD Auxiliary: 90sec...
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