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5.18.14 SUNDAY ENDURANCE– "RUN TEST" 1mile Run 3min Rest 1200m Run 2min Rest 800m Run 1min Rest 400m Run For Time   Post time to...
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5.17.14 SATURDAY "PARTNER PULL-VERIZER" With a partner complete the following: 3,000m Row (one partner holds incline push while other rows) 50m Burpee Tire Flip (both...
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5.15.14 THURSDAY "THE ASPHIXIATOR" 2 Rounds of: 50m Prowler Push…180/140 pounds 1min Rest 10 G.I. Janes 1min Rest 15 Snatches…135/95 pounds 1min Rest 20 HSPU's...
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5.14.14 WEDNESDAY "TITAN" 30 Squat Clean Thrusters…155/105 pounds For Time (Time Cap 10min) Post time and load to comments Auxiliary: 3min AMRAP of: Hollow Rock...
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5.14.14 WEDNESDAY warm up– 500m Row Metcon1: Explode WOD use thrusters only…185/125 Metcon2: Men– 3 Rounds of: 1min AMRAP DU's 1min AMRAP Cal Row 2min...
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5.13.14 TUESDAY warm up– 800m Run Skill: warm up to 20 ring muscle ups Strength: 20 Deadlifts…315/225 (10sec Hold after every set of 5) Metcon1:...
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5.12.14 MONDAY "FANCY FEAST" 3 Rounds of: 400m Run 30 Pull Ups 20 OHS…95/55 pounds For Time Post time and load to comments

5.12.14 MONDAY warm up– 200 Double Unders Strength: 3×5 Weighted Pull Ups Olympic: 5min EMOM of: 1 Hang Squat Snatch Metcon: 3 Rounds of: Men-...
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