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6.2.14 MONDAY warm up– 1mile Jog Olympic: 10×1 Hang Clean @ 80% Metcon1: 10min EMOM of: ODD- 10 Chest to Bar Pull Ups EVEN- 10...
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6.1.14 SUNDAY ENDURANCE– "TURKEY TROT" 2000m Row 400m Run 1500m Row 800m Run 1000m Row 1200m Run 500m Row 1mile Run For Time Post time...
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5.31.14 SATURDAY "MONSTER MASH" With a partner complete the following: 200 Wall Balls…20/14…10/8 feet (one partner works while the other hangs from pull up) 60...
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5.30.14 FRIDAY "JUMPING ROPE" 100 Box Jumps…24/20" box (1 Rope Climb EMOM) For Time (Time Cap 12min) Post time and load to comments

5.29.14 THURSDAY warm up– Flight Simulator to 35 and back Strength: 2×8 Deadlift Metcon1: 15…10…5 of: Single Arm DB Snatch…100/70 Burpee Box Jump For Time...
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5.29.14 THURSDAY "MAGIC HAT" 21…15…9 of: Push Press…115/75 pounds Chest to Bar Pull Ups KB Swings…70/53 pounds WB Sit Ups For Time (Time Cap 15min)...
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5.28.14 WEDNESDAY "BAKER'S DOZEN" 3 Rounds of: 13 High Double Dip Wall Balls…20/14 pounds…12/10 feet 13 Toes to Bar 2min Rest For Time Post time...
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5.28.14 WEDNESDAY warm up– 10DL, 10HC, 10HSC, 10PJ…45/15 Olympic: 10min EMOM of: 2 Clean n Jerk Metcon1: 12…9…6 of: Bar Muscle Ups Back Squat…225/155 For...
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5.27.14 TUESDAY warm up– 1000m Row Strength: 3×8 Landmine Rotations 3×8 DB Row Metcon: Explode WOD