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7.16.14 WEDNESDAY "THE FIFTIES" 50 Calorie Row 50 Sit Ups 50 Wall Balls…20/14 pounds…10/10 feet 50 Box Jump Overs…24/20" box For Time Post time and...
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7.15.14 TUESDAY warm up– 800m Run Metcon1: Every 30sec for 15min: 1st 5min- 2 Dball Cleans…150/80 2nd 5min- 2 Ring Muscle Ups 3rd 5min- 2...
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7.14.14 MONDAY warm up– 1mile Run Strength: 12min EMOM of: min1,4,7,10- 4 Deadlifts min2,5,8,11- 4 Bench Press min3,6,9,12- 8 GHD Med Ball Sit Ups (repeat...
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7.14.14 MONDAY "JET FUEL" 21…15…9 of: High Wall Balls…20/14 pounds…12/10 feet Toes to Bar Snatch…95/55 pounds For Time (10min Time Cap) Post time and load...
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7.13.14 SUNDAY ENDURANCE– "TRIPLE 3's" 3000m Row 300 Double Unders 3mile Run For Time Post time to comments OLYMPIC– Snatch MOBILITY CLASS 12:00pm

7.12.14 SATURDAY "BULL RUSH" 27…21…15…9 of: Thrusters…95/55 pounds Pull Ups (200m Med Ball Run…20/14 after each set) For Time Post time and load to comments

7.11.14 FRIDAY "GAS TANK" 100m Reverse Sled Pull…180/135 pounds 50 G.I. Janes For Time Post time and load to comments

7.11.14 FRIDAY warm up- 200 Double Unders Strength: 5×2 OHS Auxiliary: 2mile Med Ball Run…20/14 Metcon: Explode WOD

7.10.14 THURSDAY warm up– 800m Run Strength: 3×3 Med Ball Ring Muscle Ups Metcon1: 15…10…5 of: Ring Muscle Ups (25m Sled Pull…225/180, 400m Run after...
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