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8.3.14 SUNDAY ENDURANCE- "BEST BUDDY" Every 5min for 40min: 12 Med Ball Sit Ups…20/14 pounds 12 Russian Twists…20/14 pounds (left side, right side= 1rep) 400m Med Ball...
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8.2.14 SATURDAY "PARTNER RELAY" Partner 1: 1000m Row 100m Prowler Push…90/50 pounds (50m up and back) then: Partner 2: 1000m Row 100m Prowler Push…90/50 pounds (50m...
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8.1.14 FRIDAY warm up– 800m Jog Olympic: 3×3 Power Clean TnG Strength: 3×8 Back Squat 3×8 Bench Press 3×8 Front Squat 3×6 Single Arm Push...
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7.31.14 THURSDAY warm up– 400m Run Olympic: 6×1 Squat Snatch Strength: 3×8 Weighted Pull Ups 5×3 Hang Snatch High Pull 3×8 DB Row 3×8 Bicep...
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7.30.14 WEDNESDAY warm up– 500m Row Strength: 3×8 Shoulder Press 3×8 Dips 3×8 DB Tricep Ext Metcon: Explode WOD Auxiliary: 50 GHD Sit Ups

7.30.14 WEDNESDAY "SLED DOGS" 2 Rounds of: 100m Reverse Sled Pull…90/70 pounds 100m Sled Drag…90/70 pounds 400m Run 3min Rest For Time Post time and...
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7.29.14 TUESDAY "GASTRIC BYPASS" 12min AMRAP of: cash in- 100 Double Unders remainder of 12min: 12 Toes to Bar 9 KB Swings…70/53 pounds 6 Burpees...
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7.28.14 MONDAY "CINDY ROW" 3 Rounds of: 5min AMRAP of: 500m Row (remaining time complete AMRAP of- "Cindy") For Total Reps   Post total reps...
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7.27.14 SUNDAY ENDURANCE– "STRESS TEST" 1mile Meb Ball Run…20/14 pounds 3min Rest 1200m Run (no med ball) 2min Rest 800m Med Ball Run…20/14 pounds 1min...
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7.26.14 SATURDAY "OHS RANDY" 75 Squat Snatches…115/65 pounds For Time   Post time and load to comments