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12.19.09 SATURDAY "LOWER-BODY GRINDER" 3 Rounds for time: 20 Walking Lunges… 25 pounds 20 Front Squats… 95 pounds 20 Box Jumps… 30" Box 20 DB...
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12.18.09 FRIDAY REST DAY Note:  Use these rest days to make up any missed WOD's.  I will be availiable at 7pm for anyone who wants to work on...
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12.17.09 THURSDAY "BLITZ" AMRAP 3min couplet of: 3 Snatches… 115 pounds/ 3 Burpees Recover 5min AMRAP 3min couplet of: 2 Hang Cleans… 115 pounds/ 2 Push...
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12.16.09 WEDNESDAY "ARMSTRONG" 1 Mile Bike 30reps… HSPU's/ Pull Ups/ Push Ups 1 Mile Bike 20reps… HSPU's/ Pull Ups/ Push Ups 1 Mile Bike 10reps… HSPU's/ Pull...
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12.15.09 TUESDAY "Kiss Arse" AMRAP (As Many Rounds As Possible) in 20min of: 5 Burpee Box Jumps… 20" Box 7 CnJ… 95 pounds 9 Double Unders Post rounds...
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12.14.09 MONDAY "HELEN" 3 Rounds for time of: 400m Run 1.5 pood KB Swing… 21 reps Pull Ups… 12 reps Brian and Tim Deadlift for "The...
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12.13.09 SUNDAY REST DAY Nate and Steve after "Lumberjack 20" 12.12.09 Note:  I'm thinking about moving Friday's class time to Saturday 4pm for a bit. ...
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12.12.09 SATURDAY "Lumberjack 20" 20 Deadlifts… 275 pounds 400m Run 20 KB Swings… 2 pood 400m Run 20 OHS (Overhead Squats)… 115 pounds 400m Run...
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12.11.09 FRIDAY "REST DAY" Class is moved to Satuday 4pm Its going to be a Doozy! Hint:   Note:  Make sure you rest plenty today...
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12.10.09 THURSDAY "AB-sessed" 40 K2E (knees to elbows) 40 Sit Ups Row 500m 30 K2E 30 Sit Ups Row 500m 20 K2E 20 Sit Ups...
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