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9.24.10 FRIDAY "BUSTED KNOTS" 60 Single Arm Snatches… 75/35 (30 each arm) 60 Toes to Bar 4 Burpees at the top of every minute (e.g....
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9.22.10 WEDNESDAY "BARBARA" 5 Rounds of: 20 Pull Ups 30 Push Ups 40 Sit Ups 50 Air Squats 3min Rest Each individual round is for...
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9.21.10 TUESDAY "BLUMMY" 2 Rounds of: 24 SDLHP's… 95/65 pounds 24 Burpees 800m Run For time  Emily Final Team tryout WOD Post time and load...
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9.20.10 MONDAY "AGAIN FASTER'S COMPETITION TEAM WOD #1" 3 Rounds of: 200m Run 50 Double Unders 25 Thrusters… 95/65 pounds For Time Nate OHS on...
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9.19.10 SUNDAY REST DAY   Great time Saturday night for the final team tryout WOD and after-party! Thanks everyone for coming out, bringing food, bringing...
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TEAM EXPLODE FINAL TRYOUT WOD Come out to Real Fitness today at 5:30pm and cheer the guys and girls on while they have some fun...
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9.13.10- 9.18.10 MONDAY- SATURDAY   TEAM EXPLODE CrossFit Explode has registered a team to compete at CrossFit 215's Affiliate Competition on Sunday Oct. 3rd.  All of...
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9.10.10 FRIDAY "DEVIL'S BREW" 10/1… 1/10 of: DB Deadlift… 90/45 pounds Ring Dips For Time Post time and load to comments   Auxiliary: 4 Rounds...
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