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1.20.11 THURSDAY REST DAY Make sure you come in today and make up any WODs that you missed! 

1.19.11 WEDNESDAY Both of today's Try-out WODs have to be completed within an hour WOD 5 "GORILLA FART" 15…10…5 of: OHS…135/95 pounds Chest to Bar Pull...
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Alright, Day 1 of Explode tryouts is in the bag.  Impressive times on both WODs! Great energy going around the gym! those top 20 spots...
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TEAM CROSSFIT EXPLODE  Micah from CrossFit 215 is putting together some team competitions for local CrossFit affiliates to compete in.  The first round of competitions...
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1.15.11 SATURDAY "EPIC THROWDOWN GONE BAD" (done like "Fight Gone Bad"… except not) 3 Rounds of: 1min Double Unders… each double unders counts as .5...
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1.14.11 FRIDAY "HEAVY GRACE THROUGH SQUAT" 30 Squat Clean n Press… 155/95 pounds For Time  Emily hitting the bottom of her hang snatch Post time...
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1.12.11 WEDNESDAY "THE WALTZ" PARTNER WOD Between you and a partner you have 3 min on 4 exercises to complete as many reps as possible....
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1.11.11 TUESDAY "DEATH BY…" Hanging Squat Snatch… 95/55 pounds Rest 10min Knees to Elbows Death By= Every minute on the minute complete the associated reps....
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