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2.5.11 SATURDAY "DISPOSABLE HEROES" 5 Rounds of: 400m Run 40 Walking Lunges 25 K2E's 25 Push Ups 25 G.I. Janes For Time   Post time...
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 2.4.11 FRIDAY "JACKHAMMER" 10-1 of: Squat Clean… 115/75 pounds HSPU's For Time   Post time and load to comments Strength:  Deadlift 3…3…3 then: 1min AMRAP...
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2.2.11 WEDNESDAY "NEW GROUND" 90 Double Unders 9 Man-Makers… 30/15 pounds 70 Double Unders 7 Man-Makers… 30/15 pounds 50 Double Unders 5 Man-Makers…30/15 pounds For Time   5,000sqftNew Location, 540 E. Union...
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2.1.11 TUESDAY WOD 1– "SMASHER" 1-5 Power Clean…205/135 pounds 5-1 Muscle Ups For Time   5min Rest then: WOD 2– "HELLFIRE" 9…6…3 of: OHS…135/95 pounds...
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1.31.11 MONDAY EXPLODE WINS Thank you CrossFit 215 for putting the event together and coming up with some fair and balanced WODs. Thank you CFWC...
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1.28.11 FRIDAY **Anyone competing tomorrow, come in, get a sweat and brush up on some skills. We have all been working hard day in and day out. The...
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