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3.5.11 SATURDAY "THE SEMENZA MIXER" 3 Rounds of: 21 Back Squats…155/95 pounds 12 Push Press… 155/95 pounds 500m Row For Time  Post time and load to...
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3.4.11 FRIDAY "THE ARNOLD" 21…15…9 of: Bench Press… BW/60%BW pounds Deadlift… 225/155 pounds For Time (repeat WOD from 6.5.2010)   Post time and load to...
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3.3.11 THURSDAY REST DAY ***SATURDAY MARCH 12th 11:00am OPEN HOUSE*** Saturday March 12th 2011 we will be having an Open House at the NEW CrossFit...
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3.2.11 WEDNESDAY "NANCY" 5 Rounds of: 400m Run 15 OHS… 95/55 pounds For TIme   Post time and load to comments   Strength:  OHS 5…5…5...
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3.1.11 TUESDAY "DIVERSITY NOW" 40…30…20…10 of: Ring Push Ups Sit Ups (feet anchored by DB's) Power Clean…75/45 pounds then: 400m Run For Time   Post...
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2.28.11 MONDAY "DIVERSITY LATER" 10-1 of : Squat Snatch… 135/95 pounds Chest to bar Pull Ups then: 100 Double Unders For Time   Post time...
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***We came, we saw… we lost 🙁 Congratulations Team Inspire! You guys did a great job today and pulled off a sweet victory.  Matt and...
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2.27.11 SUNDAY REST DAY ***Come check out Team Explode against Team CF Inspire at 11:00am Sunday at CF Inspire in Frazer, PA!

2.26.11 SATURDAY "FIGHT GONE BAD" 3 Rounds of: 1min Wall Balls… 20/14 pounds 1min SDLHP… 75/45 pounds 1min Box Jumps… 20/18" box 1min Push Press…...
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