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3.16.11 WEDNESDAY OPEN SECTIONAL WOD 11.1 10min AMRAP of: 30 Double Unders 15 Power Snatches… 75/45 pounds For Total Rounds and reps

3.15.11 TUESDAY "SECTIONAL PREP 3" 21…15…9 of: Wall Balls…20/14 pounds…10/8 feet Power Snatch… 95/55 pounds Butterfly Sit Ups For Time  Ramp Stampers! Post time and...
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3.14.11 MONDAY "RAMP STAMP" 3 Rounds of: 150m Run (chain-link fence n back) 15 SDLHP… 95/55 pounds 10 Burpees 5 HSPU's For Time Cool video...
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3.13.11 SUNDAY REST DAY OPEN HOUSE on Saturday was amazing! A big THANK YOU to everyone who made this happen, none of this could have...
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***OPEN HOUSE GRAND OPENING*** (From 11:00am until whenever) -Bring the whole family! We will have a moonbounce for the kiddies and loads of food and beverages....
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3.11.11 FRIDAY "NEW DAWN" 21…15…9 of: Wall Balls…20/14 pounds 12/10 feet KB Swings…97/53 pounds For Time   Post time and load to comments Strength: Back...
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3.9.11 WEDNESDAY "SECTIONAL PREP 1" 8min AMRAP of: 1 Thruster…95/55 pounds 1 SDLHP…95/55 pounds Complete one rep of each then 2 reps of each and...
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3.8.11 TUESDAY "EMU THE GREATEST" 4 Rounds of: 21 Deadlifts…185/135 12 HSPU's 400m run For Time Post times to comments    

3.7.11 MONDAY "SUNSHINE STATE SLAMMER" 30 Muscle Ups (sub: 90 Pull Ups, 90 Ring Dips) 30 Burpees For Time Post time to comments     Strength: ...
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