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9.4.12 TUESDAY "4,3,2,1" 4min AMRAP of: Calorie Row 3min AMRAP of: Goblet Squats…53/35 pounds 2min AMRAP of: KB Swings…53/35 pounds 1min AMRAP of: HR Push Ups For...
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**Today's Classes 5pm and 6pm ONLY** 9.3.12 MONDAY "LABOR PAINS" With a Partner complete the following: 10 Rounds of: 20 Partner Clean n Jerks…135/95 pounds...
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9.1.12 SATURDAY "CHOP SHOP" With a partner complete the following: 50m Burpee Broad Jump (partner 1) 50 Wall Balls…20/14 pounds…10/8 feet (partner 2) 50m Burpee...
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8.31.12 FRIDAY "BETTY BOOP" 21…15…9 of: Thrusters…115/65 pounds Toes to Bar For Time Monica Post time and load to comments Strength: Thruster 4×2

8.30.12 THURSDAY "WALKING WOUND" 10min AMRAP of: 20 Pull Ups 30 Dips 40 Walking Lunges For Total Reps Kevin  Post time and load to comments...
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8.29.12 WEDNESDAY "BOWFINGER" 30…20…10 of: KB Swings…70/53 pounds Box Jumps…24/20" box cash out: 1000m Row For Time Travis  Post time and load to comments Strength:...
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8.28.12 TUESDAY "TRUFFLE SHUFFLE" 3 Rounds of: 15 Hang Cleans…155/95 pounds 15 Back Squat….155/95 pounds 15 HSPU's…25/floor 400m Run For Time Shawn Post time and...
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8.27.12 MONDAY "DEADLY DOZEN" 4 Rounds of: 12 Deadlifts…225/155 pounds 24 Push Press… 95/65 pounds 12 Chest to Bar Pull Ups 24 DB Sit Ups (feet anchored...
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