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5.22.10 SATURDAY   "SKILLZ" 100 Double Unders 2 Muscle Ups 2 HSPU's  2 Snatches…135/75 pounds 75 Double Unders 4 Muscle Ups 4 HSPU's 4 Snatches…115/65 pounds 50 Double...
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5.21.10 FRIDAY "SKIN OF YOUR TEETH" 10 min AMRAP of: 400m Run 2 SDLHP… 135/65 2 Lateral Burpees over paralettes For Reps (400m Run done at begining...
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5.19.10 WEDNESDAY "DOUBLE-UN FRAN" 21 Thrusters…115/65 pounds 21 Chest to Bar Pull Ups 50 Double Unders 15 Thrusters… 115/65 pounds 15 Chest to Bar Pull...
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5.18.10 TUESDAY HAPPY B-DAY TIM!- this ones for you! "TIMMY'S LUNCH (OR 12 DAYS OF X-MAS)" 1 Burpee 2 Push Press… 95/65 pounds 3 Hang...
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5.17.10 MONDAY "BALL-SLAMMIN" 10-1 Reps for time of: KB Swings…70/35 pounds Push Press…135/45 pounds Ball Slams…20/14 pounds Post time and load to comments   Strength:  Overhead...
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5.15.10 SATURDAY "CLEAN CINDY" AMRAP 15min 5 Pull Ups 10 Push Ups 15 Air Squats 2 Clean n Jerks… 185/95 Post rounds completed to comments  ...
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5.13.10 FRIDAY "DEMI" 15…10…5 of: Squat Snatch… 115/55 pounds G.I. Janes Post time and load to comments   Strength:  Power Cleans  3…3…3 Push Jerk  3…3…3