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7.22.11 FRIDAY "GOODNIGHT MOON" 8min AMRAP of: 15 Wall Balls…20/14 pounds…10/8 feet 10 Straight Leg Sit Ups For Rounds and Reps Justin L. Post total...
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7.21.11 THURSDAY STRENGTH DAY Deadlift 3×5 1st set 65% of 1RM x5 2nd set 75% of 1RM x5 3rd set 85% of 1RM x5 or...
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7.20.11 WEDNESDAY "CHOOBATKA" 15min AMRAP of: 15 KB Swings… 70/53 pounds 10 Box Jumps… 24/20" box 5 Burpees onto Plate For Total Reps Jon A....
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7.19.11 TUESDAY "JACKIE" 1000m Row 50 Thrusters…45/35 pounds 30 Pull Ups For Time *PR Board Worthy* Post time and load to comments Strength: Shoulder Press...
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7.18.11 MONDAY "DIANE" 21…15…9 of: Deadlift… 225/155 pounds HSPU's For Time *PR Board Worthy* Explodenites decent onto Test Your Metal. Great Job to everyone who...
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7.15.11 FRIDAY "TEST YOUR MEDAL WOD 2" 5 Rounds of: 10 Unbroken Hang Cleans… 135/85 pounds 15 Hand Release Push Ups For Time (Every time...
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7.14.11 THURSDAY "STRENGTH DAY" Day 2 of Strength training Thursday. Today we will be testing our 1rep max of Shoulder Press and Deadlift. You will...
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7.13.11 WEDNESDAY "FIGHT GONE BAD" 3 Rounds of: 1min Wall Balls… 20/14 pounds 1min SDLHP… 75/45 pounds 1min Box Jumps… 20/18" box 1min Push Press…...
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