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8.14.13 WEDNESDAY "HOT SURFACE" 3 Rounds of: 15 Burpee Bar Touch…8/7' pull up bar 15 Calorie Row 2min Rest For Time   Kyleigh, Pat and...
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8.14.13 WEDNESDAY warm up– 300 Double Unders, 2×20 Rev Hypers then: 5×15 Banded L-Sit Pull Ups (sitting in the band) 3×15 Standing DB Bent Over...
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8.13.13 TUESDAY "MONSTERS INC" 3 Rounds of: 21 Power Snatch…95/65 pounds 15 OHS…95/65 pounds 9 Med Ball Toes to Bar…20/14 pounds For Time Betsy Post...
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8.13.13 TUESDAY warm up: 400m Run 3 Snatch Complex- 3 Snatch DL, 3 Snatch Hang High Pulls, 3 Hang Squat Snatch…95/65 pounds then: 3×5 OHS...
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8.12.13 MONDAY warm up- 500m Row, 2×20 GHD Sit Ups 5×15 Bench Press 5×15 Back Squat 5×15 DB Standing Shoulder Press 5×14 S. Arm Push...
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8.12.13 MONDAY "FINAL COUNTDOWN" 10-1 of: Pull Ups Box Jumps…24/20" KB Swings…70/53 pounds Goblet Squat…70/53 pounds For Time Post time and load to comments

8.11.13 SUNDAY ENDURANCE– "AGAIN FASTER" 10 Rounds of: 400m Run 2min Rest For Time Post time to comments OLYMPIC– Clean n Jerk

8.11.13 SUNDAY REST DAY *note– If you didn't workout yesterday do LSD run/row or do the Explode Endurance today. Keep in mind how your body...
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8.10.13 SATURDAY LSD Run or Row (LSD- long slow distance) or CF Explode mainsite metcon

8.10.13 SATURDAY "G.I. TRACK" 4 Rounds of: 3min AMRAP of: 25m Sled Push…270/180 pounds (done once) 2 Wall Walks 4 G.I. Janes 3min Rest For...
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