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9.6.13 FRIDAY warm up– 400m run, 30 Reverse Hypers 4×8 Trap Bar Deadlift EMOM 20min ODD min- 2 Med Ball Muscle Ups…20/14 pounds EVEN min-...
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9.6.13 FRIDAY "SLICE OF HEAVEN" 20min AMRAP of: 50m Prowler Push…270/180 pounds 800m Run with Wall Ball…20/14 pounds with the remainder of 20min: 25 Wall Balls…20/14 pounds…10/8 feet...
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9.5.13 THURSDAY "SPRING FLING" 5 Rounds of: 60 Double Unders 6 Power Snatch…135/95 pounds For Time Emma Post time and load to comments *ROWING CLINIC...
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9.5.13 THURSDAY warm up: 10 SDL (snatch grip Deadlift) 10 HMS (hang muscle snatch) 10 HSS (hang squat snatch) 10 OHS (overhead squat) 45/15 pounds...
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9.4.13 WEDNESDAY warm up– 400m Jog 4×8 Front Squat 4×8 Banded Bench Press 3×8 Shoulder Press 4×8 Dips Metcon– Explode WOD

9.4.13 WEDNESDAY "ROCK SALT" 3 Rounds of: 200m Run 15 Toes to Bar 25 Front Squats…95/65 pounds For Time Heather Post time and load to...
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9.3.13 TUESDAY "THE STRANGER" 10-1 of: KB Swings…70/53 pounds Push Press…115/75 pounds For Time Post time and load to comments Auxiliary– 300 Double Unders For...
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9.3.13 TUESDAY warm up– 10 DL, 10 HC, 10 HSC, 10 PJ…45/15 pounds 5×5 Hang Clean (singles using 70%) Max Reps Power Clean Unbroken…245/155 *note–...
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**12pm CLASS ONLY TODAY** 9.2.13 MONDAY "40oz. OF FITNESS" 40 Rounds of: 2 Pull Ups 3 HR Push Ups 4 Air Squats For Time Post...
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9.2.13 MONDAY warm up- 2×20 Reverse Hypers 4×8 Deadlift (approx. 70% max) 4×8 L-Sit Pull Ups (reverse grip) 2×12 DB Row 2×12 Good Mornings *note– we...
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