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10.26.13 SATURDAY "GUM SHOE" 12min AMRAP of 18cal Row 6 Shoot Throughs For Total Reps REGISTER FOR THE COMBINE Post total reps to comments

10.25.13 FRIDAY warm up– 5min Airdyne Bike Strength: 3×10 Shoulder Press Metcon: 5/25…4/20…3/15…2/10…1/5 of: Rope Climbs Back Squat…135/95 For Time

10.25.13 FRIDAY "CUT THE ROPE" 5/15…4/12…3/9…2/6…1/3 of: Rope Climbs (sub- 3 perry pulls per rope climb) Back Squat…135/95 pounds For Time Post time and load...
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10.24.13 THURSDAY warm up- 10SDL, 10SHHP, 10MS, 10OHS (SDL- snatch grip deadlift, HHP- hang high pull, MS- muscle snatch, OHS- other homelesspeople's stuff) Olympic: 3×3 Snatch...
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10.24.13 THURSDAY "SHIP SHAPE" 6min AMRAP of: 7 Squat Snatch…95/55 pounds 50 Double Unders For Total Reps 2013 Combine 2 Post load and total reps...
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10.23.13 WEDNESDAY warm up– 800m Jog Strength: 3×10 Deadlift 3×10 DB Rows Metcon: 5 Rounds of: 100m Sled Drag…90/70 12 HSPU's…45's 12 Calorie Row 2min...
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10.23.13 WEDNESDAY "DRAGSTER" 5 Rounds of: 100m Sled Drag…70/45 pounds 12 HSPU's…floor (sub- 12 HR Push Ups) 12 Calorie Row 2min Rest For Time Atta...
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10.22.13 TUESDAY warm up– 10DL, 10HC, 10HSC, 10PJ…45/15 Olympic: 5×3 CnJ Complex @ 60% 1rm CnJ (singles) (CnJ Complex= 1 Hang Clean, 1 Power clean,...
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10.21.13 MONDAY warm up– 2×20 Reverse Hypers Strength: Back Squat 3×10 (work up to and use same weight for all 3 sets) Metcon: 9…7…5 of:...
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10.20.13 SUNDAY ENDURANCE– "SPACE INVADERS" 5 Rounds of: 9..7…5 of: Calorie Row Burpees then 800m Run 2min Rest For Time *9…7…5 of the couplet is...
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