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11.3.13 SUNDAY ENDURANCE– "PLAY DATE" with a partner, complete the following: 3000m Row (alternating every 2min) then: 12 400m Sprints (relay, one partner rests while...
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11.2.13 SATURDAY "POKER CHIP" 10 Burpee Ring Muscle Ups (sub-10 G.I. Janes) 100m Reverse Sled Drag…135/90 pounds 400m Run 40 KB Swings…70/53 pounds 40 WB...
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11.1.13 FRIDAY warm up– 5min Airdyne Strength: 3×8 Weighted Pull Ups 3×8 Good Mornings Metcon: 15…10…5 of: Med Ball Slams…80/60 HS Walk (meters) For Time...
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10.31.13 THURSDAY warm up– 10 SDL, 10 MS, 10 HSS, 10 OHS…45/15 Strength: 3×8 Ring Dips Olympic: 5×3 Heaving Snatch Balance @ 75% Metcon: 4...
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10.30.13 WEDNESDAY warm up– 300 Double Unders Strength: 4×8 Landmine Rotations Metcon: 9min AMRAP of: 18 Back Squat…115/75 14 Chest to Bar Pull Ups 10...
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10.29.13 TUESDAY "ROWINOAK" 2000m Row (every 2min, 6 Wall Balls…20/14…10/8, 3 Shoot Throughs) For Time (Time Cap 15min) Post time and load to comments SIGN...
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10.29.13 TUESDAY warm up– 10DL, 10HC, 10HSC, 10PJ…45/15 Strength: Bench Press 4×8 Olympic: 5×3 Hang Cleans @ 75% unbroken Metcon: 2000m Row (every 2min, 6...
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10.28.13 MONDAY warm up– 800m Jog Strength: 4×8 Front Squats Metcon: 12min AMRAP of: 16 KB Swings…97/70 8 Burpees over KB 16 Toes to Bar...
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10.28.13 MONDAY "BUTTERFLY EFFECT" 12min AMRAP of: 16 KB Swings…70/53 pounds 8 Burpees Over KB 16 Butterfly Sit Ups 8 Pull Ups For Total Reps Justin...
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10.27.13 SUNDAY ENDURANCE– "TUMOR RUN" 6 Rounds of: 400m Med Ball Run…20/14 pounds 20 Wall Ball Sit Ups…20/14 pounds For Time Meghan and Collen 1st...
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