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11.25.13 MONDAY warm up– 200 Double Unders Strength:  3×6 Sott's Press (from the bottom of the front squat) 3×6 Romanian Deadlift Olympic: 3×6 Above the...
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11.24.13 SUNDAY ENDURANCE– "TOKYO DRIFT" Every 3min for 30min: 10 Calorie Row 400m Run For Slowest Round Post time to comments OLYMPIC– Snatch

11.23.13 SATURDAY "187" 4 Rounds of: 1min Rope Climbs 1min- Plate Burpees…45/25 pounds 1min Rest For Total Reps Post total reps to comments

11.22.13 FRIDAY warm up– Tabata 10m Shuttle Touch Strength: 10min EMOM of: EVEN- 9 Deadlift…315/225 ODD- 9 Bench Press…225/135 Metcon: Explode WOD Auxiliary: 30…20…10 of...
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11.21.13 THURSDAY warm up– 200 Double Unders Strength: 3×8 Dips Olympic: 3×5 Snatch Balance @ 75% Metcon: Explode WOD

11.20.13 WEDNESDAY warm up– 800m Jog Strength: 3×8 Landmine Rotations 3×3 Chest to Bar Pull Up Metcon: Explode WOD Auxiliary: 3 Rounds of: 30cal Airdyne...
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11.19.13 TUESDAY warm up– 100cal Airdyne Strength: 3×5 Hang High Pull (singles @110%) 3×8 DB Row Olympic: 3×5 Squat Clean n Jerk (singles @ 65%,...
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11.19.13 TUESDAY "HANG MAN" 9min AMRAP of: 30 Double Unders 8 HSPU's…floor 10 Hang Cleans…95/55 pounds For Reps Post load and total reps to comments

11.18.13 MONDAY "SHEPARDS PIE" 21…15…9 of: Knees to Elbows OHS…115/65 pounds For Time (10min Time Cap) Post time and load to comments

11.18.13 MONDAY warm up– 2×20 Hollow Rocks, 3×5 Skin the Cat Strength: 3×8 Safety Bar Squat 3×8 DB Standing Shoulder Press Olympic: 3×3 Snatch Complex...
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