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12.17.13 WEDNESDAY warm up– 5min Airdyne Olympic: 3×5 Snatch Hang High Pulls @ 110% 3×5 Snatch Balance (singles @ 75%) Strength: 2×20 Med Ball Toes...
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12.17.13 TUESDAY "GROUND CHUCK" 7min AMRAP of: 14 Back Squats…135/95 pounds 14 Pull Ups For Total Reps Post total reps and load to comments

12.17.13 TUESDAY warm up– 200 Double Unders Strength: 2×8 Back Squat 2×8 Weighted Pull Ups Metcon1: Explode WOD Metcon2: 10min AMRAP of: 30sec HS Hold...
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12.16.13 MONDAY warm up– 1000m Row Strength: 3×8 RDL 3×8 DB Pull Over Metcon1: 9…7…5 of: Bar Muscle Up Thruster…205/135 For Time Metcon2: Explode WOD...
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12.15.13 SUNDAY ENDURANCE– "JANE GAME" 30min AMRAP of: 3 G.I. Janes 9 10m Shuttle Touches 12 Calorie Row For Total Reps   Post total reps to...
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12.14.13 SATURDAY "FAMILIAR GROUND" 4 Rounds of: 12 High Double Dip Wall Balls…20/14 pounds…12/10 feet 10 Chest To Bar Pull Ups For Time Brigitte  Post...
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12.13.13 FRIDAY warm up– 800m Jog Strength: 2×8 Med Ball Ring Muscle Ups 2×20 High Bar Back Squat Metcon: Explode WOD Auxiliary: 2min Accumulation of...
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12.13.13 FRIDAY "SARIN ADE" 12min AMRAP of: 8 Toes to Bar 4 Burpees 8 Hang Snatch…95/55 pounds 4 OHS…95/55 pounds For Total Reps Brett  Post...
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12.12.13 THURSDAY warm up– 10 SDL, 10 MS, 10HSC, 10 OHS…45/15 Olympic: 3×2 Below the Knee HSS (singles @ 70%) 3×2 Above the Knee HSS...
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12.11.13 WEDNESDAY "JABBA" 3 Rounds of: 30 Axle Hang Cleans…110/70 pounds 15 Axle Front Squats…110/70 pounds 15 Axle Thrusters…110/70 pounds 30 Pull Ups For Time...
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