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4.5.14 SATURDAY "CRABBY CABBY" 10min AMRAP of: cash in- 100m Sled Push…180/140 pounds 12 KB Swings…70/53 pounds 9 OH Walking Lunges…45/25 pounds 6 Burpees For...
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4.4.14 FRIDAY warm up– 100m Shuttle Touch (cone every 20m) Strength: 3×3 Front Squat Skill: 6 Legless Rope Climbs Metcon: Explode WOD use…225/155 for Squat...
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4.3.14 THURSDAY "ANNIECONDA" 50…40…30…20…10 of: Double Unders Calorie Row Sit Ups For Time Post time to comments

4.2.14 WEDNESDAY warm up– 3min Double Unders Olympic: 3×3 Power Snatch Singles Metcon: Explode WOD use 185/125 for Snatch Auxiliary: 2min Max Bar Muscle Ups...
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4.1.14 TUESDAY "DOUBLE VISION" 8min AMRAP of: 20 OHS…115/75 pounds 20 Toes to Bar 20 Hang Cleans…115/75 pounds 20 High Wall Balls…20/14 pounds…12/10 feet 20...
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4.1.14 TUESDAY warm up– 1000m Row Strength: 3×5 Shoulder Press Olympic: 10min EMOM of: 3 Heaving Snatch Balance Metcon: Explode WOD Auxiliary: 30…20…10 of: Med...
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3.31.14 MONDAY warm up– 4 100m Runs Olympic: 3×5 Power Cleans @ 60% 10×3 Clean Grip Low Hang High Pulls Metcon: Explode WOD Auxiliary: 400m...
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3.30.14 SUNDAY ENDURANCE– "SHIITES CREEK" With a partner complete the following: 3000m Row (one partner rows, the other holds a push up with hips above...
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3.29.14 SATURDAY "14.5" 21…18…15…12…9…6…3 of: Thrusters…95/65 pounds Burpees Over Bar For Time Post time and load to comments