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6.10.14 TUESDAY "INHALATION STATION" 4 Rounds of: 15 Burpee Box Jumps…20/18" box 20 Calorie Row 2min Rest For Time Post time and load to comments

6.9.14 MONDAY warm up– 1mile Run Metcon1: 3min AMRAP of: Bear Complex…185/115 For Total Reps Metcon2: 50 C2B Pull Ups 100 GHD Sit Ups For...
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6.8.14 SUNDAY ENDURANCE– "JUMP START" 4 Rounds of: 9 G.I. Janes 21 KB Swings…70/53 pounds 800m Run 3min Rest For Time Post time and load...
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6.7.14 SATURDAY "THRUSTER BUS" With a partner complete: 18min AMRAP of: 21 Thrusters…95/65 pounds 200m Run 21 SDLHP's…95/65 pounds 200m Run For Time (One partner...
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6.6.14 FRIDAY warm up– 10DL, 10HC, 10HSC, 10PJ…45/15 Olympic: 5×2 Clean n Jerk (TnG @ 90%) Strength: 10min EMOM of: EVEN- 6 Deadlifts…315/225 ODD- 6...
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6.5.14 THURSDAY "GRAND JUNCTION" 5 Rounds of: 400m Run 15 Toes To Bar 5 Burpee Box Jump Overs…24/20" box For Time (Time Cap 15min) Post...
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6.4.14 WEDNESDAY warm up– 1mile Run Strength: 3×25 Prowler Push Metcon1: Explode WOD Auxiliary: 40…30…20…10 of: GHD Sit Ups Russian Twists…20/14 (25 Reverse Hypers after...
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6.3.14 TUESDAY warm up– 1000m Row Olympic: 10min EMOM of: 2 Split Jerks (singles) Metcon1: 40 Snatches…185/125 (2 paralette HSPU's EMOM) Metcon2: Explode WOD Auxiliary:...
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6.3.14 TUESDAY "LEFT HOOK" 6 Rounds of: 10 G.I. Janes 12 Cal Row 1min Rest For Time Post time to comments **TEAM EXPLODE FUNDRAISER SUNDAY...
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