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8.12.14 TUESDAY warm up– 500m Row Olympic: 3×3 Squat Cleans Strength: 3×12 Front Squat 3×12 Landmine Rotations 3×12 Shoulder Press 3×12 Tricep Ext Metcon: Explode...
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8.11.14 MONDAY warm up– 800m Jog Olympic: 3×3 Squat Snatch Strength: 3×12 Deadlift 3×12 Weighted Chin Ups 3×12 Bent Over Barbell Row 3×12 Bicep Curl...
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8.10.14 SUNDAY ENDURANCE– "ROWBUTT" 1500m Row 25 Air Squats 1250m Row 50 Air Squats 1000m Row 75 Air Squats 750m Row 100 Air Squats For...
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8.9.14 SATURDAY "POWER CURVE" 18min AMRAP of: 6 Power Cleans…155/105 pounds 9 HR Push Ups 12 Wall Ball Sit Ups…20/14 pounds (Every 3min 200m Sprint)...
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8.8.14 FRIDAY warm up– 400m Run Strength: 3×8 Thruster 3×8 Strict HSPU 3×8 Close Grip Bench Metcon1: 8min AMRAP up ladder of: 1 Ring Muscle...
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8.6.14 WEDNESDAY warm up– 800m Olympic: 6×2 Squat Clean Strength: 3×8 DB Row 3×8 DB Pull Overs 3×8 Hammer Curls Metcon: Explode WOD

8.5.14 TUESDAY warm up– 500m Row Olympic: 6×2 Jerk Strength: 3×8 KB Shoulder Press 3×8 Ring Dips Metcon1: "Double Grace" Metcon2: Explode WOD

8.4.14 MONDAY "STANKY LEG" 18min AMRAP of: 5 Chest to Bar Pull Ups 7 HR Push Ups 9 OHS…95/65 pounds (EMOM of 2 Burpee Box...
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8.4.14 MONDAY warm up– practice twerking Olympic: 6×2 Snatch Strength: 3×5 Deadlift 3×8 Landmine Rotations 3×4 Weighted C2B Pull Up 3×8 RDL Metcon: Explode WOD