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3.9.10 TUESDAY "SECTIONAL PREP" 3 Rounds For Time of 5 HSPU's 10 Squat Snatches… 95/55 pounds 15 Chest 2 Bar Pull Ups 20 Double Unders...
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3.8.10 MONDAY "OHIO SECTIONAL WOD 3" 2 Rounds For Time of: 500m Row 15 OHS… 95/55 pounds 500m Row 15 T2B (Toes to Bar) Preparation...
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3.6.10 SATURDAY "LINDA" 10…9…8…7…6…5…4…3…2…1 of: Deadlift… 1 n 1/2 x Bodyweight Bench Press… Bodyweight Clean… 3/4 Bodyweight For Time  Post loads and time to comments...
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3.5.10 FRIDAY "HANG NAIL" 50…40…30…20…10 of: Sit Ups/ Double Unders/ Squat Hang Clean… 65/35 pounds For Time  Post time and load to comments    Strength: ...
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3.3.10 WEDNESDAY "BARBARA" 5 Rounds of: 20 Pull Ups 30 Push Ups 40 Situps 50 Squats Rest 3 Mins *For score combine total time it...
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3.2.10 TUESDAY "THE BARGER" 5 Rounds For Time Of: 5 Deadlifts… 275/155 pounds 10 K2E's 15 Double Unders Post time and loads to comments  ...
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3.1.10 MONDAY "RAW DEAL" 21…15…9 of: Mountain Climbers Push Press/Jerk… 135/75 pounds Then 1 mile Run For Time *(Mountain Climbers- Push Up position starting w...
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