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8.30.10 MONDAY "UPPER-BODY GRINDER" 400m Run 21…15…9 of: Pull Ups  Push Press… 115/55 pounds 400m Run 18…12…6 of: BW Bench Press C2 Row… cals 400m...
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8.28.10 SATURDAY "DELAWARE AFFILIATE CHALLENGE" 400m Run 30 Wall Balls… 20/14 pounds 15 Push Press… 95/65 pounds 60 Sit Ups (butterfly sit ups for standard)...
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8.27.10 FRIDAY "BUSTER" 21…15…9 of: Deadlifts… 225/155 pounds Pull Ups HSPU's For Time   Post time and load to comments   Strength:  Deadlift  2…2…2…2 

8.25.10 WEDNESDAY "SNATCHTASTIC" 10 Rounds of:  50 Double Unders (single rope jumps for L2's) 10 Snatch… 95/55 pounds For Time Lauren Plumey- 2009 CrossFit Games...
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ANNOUNCING TEAM CrossFit EXPLODE CrossFit Explode will be taking a team to compete at CrossFit 215's Affiliate Challenge on October 3rd 2010.  We need 3...
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8.24.10 TUESDAY "SUFFOCATION" 100 Thrusters… 80/45 pounds At the top of every minute do 3 Burpees and 3 K2E's (Knees to Elbows) until 100 Thrusters...
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8.22.10 MONDAY "THOR'S HAMMER" L1's 7min AMRAP 20 reps Clean and Jerk… 155/95 pounds then: Remainder of 7min AMRAP of: 5 Chest to Bar Pull...
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8.21.10 SATURDAY "EPIC CHIP" 25 Air Squats 7 Deadlifts… 135/95 pounds 25 Pull Ups 7 SDLHP's… 135/95 pounds 25 Burpees 7 Hang Cleans… 135/95 pounds 25...
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