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12.1.10 WEDNESDAY "WOD 2 PA FITTEST COMP" 21…15…9 of: Deadlift… 225/135 pounds Chest to Bar Pull Ups Burpees For Time     Post time and...
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11.30.10 TUESDAY "THE TANGO" Partner WOD Between you and your partner complete in order: 100 Hand Release Push Ups 80 Deadlifts… 115/75 pounds 400m Run…80/40...
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11.29.10 MONDAY "PEOPLE'S OPIATE" Row 1000m 7 Clean n Jerk…185/105 pounds 30 Burpees 7 Clean n Jerk…185/105 pounds 400m Run 7 Clean n Jerk… 185/105 pounds...
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11.27.10 SATURDAY "HAIR TRIGGER" 2 Rounds of: 30sec AMRRAP of:  Box Jumps…20/18" box 1min Rest 30sec AMRAP of:  DB Push Press…35/15 pounds 1min Rest 30sec...
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11.26.10 FRIDAY "MAIN SITE WOD 101120" 7 Rounds of: 5 HSPU's 10 Deadlifts…185/105 pounds 10 Chest to Bar Pull Ups 20 Double Unders For Time...
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11.24.10 WEDNESDAY "TURKEY DAY SEND-OFF" 2000m Row 400m Run 1500m Row 800m Run 1000m Row 1200m Run 500m Row 1mile Run For Time    HAPPY THANKSGIVING...
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11.23.10 TUESDAY "ELIZABETH" 21…15…9 of: Squat Cleans… 135/95 pounds Ring Dips For Time (Repeat WOD from 6.25.10)  Post time and load to comments    ...
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