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3.26.11 SATURDAY "SPECIAL SAUCE" 5 Rounds of: 5 HSPU's 10 Power Cleans…135/95 pounds 15 Wall Balls…20/14 pounds …10/8 feet 20 KB Swing…53/35 pounds (Rest 3min)...
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3.25.11 FRIDAY "SHUTTLE ROW" 15 Burpees 15 Shuttle Touches… 15 feet 500m Row 10 Burpees 10 Shuttle touches…15 feet 1000m Row 5 Burpees 5 Shuttle touches…...
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3.23.11 WEDNESDAY "TABATA BARBELLS" 1)  Tabata Deadlift… 1.25/1 bodyweight Rest 3 minutes 2) Tabata Hang Squat Clean… 0.75/0.5 bodyweight  Rest 3 minutes 3) Tabata Power Snatch… 0.5 /0.25...
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3.21.11 TUESDAY "SIZZZUUURRP" 30…25…20…15 of: Pull Ups Push Ups Air Squats For Time   Post time and scalling to comments   Auxiliary: 8x100m sprints *Note...
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3.21.11 MONDAY "AGAINST THE ROPES" 3 Rope Accent…21 feet 21 OHS…115/75 pounds 21 Knees to Elbows 2 Rope Accent…21 feet 15 OHS…115/75 pounds 15 Knees to...
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3.19.11 SATURDAY "DAMN NEAR KILLED EM" (back by popular demand from 9.18.10) 100 Double Unders 25 Deadlifts… 275/185 pounds 25 HSPU's 25 KB Swings… 70/35...
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3.18.11 FRIDAY “MYSTERY WOD” -show up for class ready for anything! ***If you haven’t registered for the CrossFit Games Open, do so. Every Thursday we...
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